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Round 8 of the 2024 Classic MX Wales Championship

Court Farm, Llanthony, NP7 7PL

Entry forms available from Jon Britton jonbritton0802@gmail.com

If you have an AMCA license then this should be your issued license
AMCA Classic or Modern License Number; Please enter 0 if no license held and if a day license is required.
Make and model of machine
In cc numbers only
Year of manufacture
Make and model of machine 2 (if you have one)
In cc numbers only
Year of manufacture
Entry is £50, with £1.00 to cover banking charges (stripe). Any refund requests will not be able to include these charges
Clear Signature
Declaration: Motor racing can be dangerous and may involve serious injury or death. You must read and agree to the following declaration which is designed to create a legally binding relationship in order for you to enter and compete. I confirm that the machine (s) entered by me comply with AMCA Classic Rules. 1. I confirm that the information in this entry form and the information and my acceptance of the terms of my licence are correct. 2. I confirm that I understand the nature of the competition and I am competent to take part 3. I confirm that the vehicles I use will comply with the regulations and will be safe and fit for use in competition. 4. Before taking part in the event I will ensure (unless prohibited) that I have inspected the venue, track and the facilities and geographical features and that I am satisfied that it is safe to compete 5. I will not take part if I have any doubt about my ability or the safety of the venue 6. I accept that the completion in motor sport may involve the risk of injury or death and I agree to take part at my own risk 7. Before taking part in the event I read and be bound by and comply with general regulations and my supplemental and final instructions issued by the AMCA, the organisers, the circuit owners and the regulatory body. 8. I will not participate whilst under the influence of alcohol or intoxicating drugs and that if I am taking any prescribed medication I will inform the event organisers and seek approval before taking part.
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