Classic MX Wales : Sponsorship Opportunities
The Welsh Classic Motocross (or Scrambles) Championship has been running since 2001, with racing starting in the mid-90’s for Classic Machines. Classic MX Wales represents the Union of Welsh Clubs and coordinates both the Championship and the Welsh Team for the Classic Motocross des Nations which is held in September each year. All events are run under the auspices of the Amateur Motor Cycle Association (AMCA)
The Championship has had a number of sponsors over the years, most notably Cambrian Tyres and Phil Anslow Coaches who supported during its early years. Malcolm ‘Jock’ Bell is the current main sponsor, with the member clubs providing a donation of £100 based on the meetings they run.
What is Sponsorship Used For
The Championship sponsorship money is used to cover the cost of trophies, which vary from 3 to 8 per class depending on the number of entries per class. Trophy costs were £1200 for 2018, of which about 30% is the engraving costs. The aim would be to also provide trophies for a Welsh Grand Prix event to be run in July. It will also be used in part to produce banners to advertise the series at events.
The MXdN sponsorship is used to cover the cost of getting bikes to the event, race shirts and number boards. The entry costs are currently covered by the AMCA.
What Do Sponsors Get ?
Championship Sponsors:
- Name and Logo on Classic MX Wales Banner; for Telford Show and Race Meetings.
- Name / Logo included in the annual report, free copy provided.
- Advertising on Classic MX Wales website :
- Ticket to the Presentation Event in November 2019 and the opportunity to present trophies.
- Class Sponsors : mentioned with class in reports.
Classic MXdN:
- Name and/or Logo on Race Shirts, with Race Shirt provided for donations over £200.
- Name / Logo included in the annual report; free copy provided.
- Ticket to presentation event in November 2019.
- Opportunity to help the team in Marum, NL.
For 2019 Classic MX Wales will be looking for further advertising and marketing of the series, through print and online publications, kicking off with a bigger presence at the Telford Classic Dirt Bike Show on 16/17 Feb.
Cutoff for sponsorship will be 1/Feb, allowing us time to prepare banners and flyers for Telford and the rest of the season.
2019 Sponsorship Plan
The Championship will consist of 9 rounds in 2019, with all rounds to count towards overall points and final positions.
The Classic Motocross des Nations will take place at Marum in Holland on 21st September 2019.
The plan for 2019 is to have around £2500 sponsorship for the Championship and £3200 for the Classic MXdN. The aim is to keep these two sets of fund distinct, though thats at the discretion on the sponsor.
The plan can be found here in Sponsorship Plan sheet,
Trophies from 1st – 3rd typically cost £100, with 4th-6th and additional £80, but this is based on the limited, so for each class somewhere around £200 would be great.